Chapter Policies

1) Non-Standard Sleeping Requirements
2) Personal Tent Camping
3) Medical Conditions
4) No Contact
5) Sexual Misconduct Policy

Non-Standard Sleeping Requirements

We have set aside a limited number of bunks for the event for those who have a medical requirement to sleep out of character.

If this applies to you, please send us an email to let us know and include notice from your medical provider that you are cleared to participate.

If you require a CPAP machine for sleep, this room has power outlets. We will do our best to make sure that there is at least 6-8 outlets available for use. Please notify us before the event as listed above and include a letter from your medical provider that you are cleared to attend the event and require use of the machine.

The letter from your medical provider must include two statements:

- First: That you have a medical condition that requires a listed number of hours of uninterrupted sleep.

- Second: That despite this medical condition you are cleared to participate in all other aspects of the event without any serious risk to your health.

An email with doctor's notes must be sent to no later than one week before the event. We will not be able to accommodate people who show up the day of with no notice.

There is a desire by the staff to not have extension cords running across the field since they can be a safety hazard, consequently please stick to battery powered portable items in your tent.  If you are have a desire to tent elsewhere please seek Director approval and we’ll let you know whether or not you can tent at the desired alternate spot.  

Personal Tent Camping

Personal tent camping is 'Off Limits' to NPCs and free from raids/interactions from 2am until 8am each morning.  During these hours those inside the tent are immune from NPC type attacks, however, this does not make you immune from players screaming at you to get up and save them from dying.  Outside of these hours if NPCs wish to attack a tent the Marshal must announce their presence and if they intend to attack.  The occupants then receive 30 seconds to exit their tent and meet the threat. If you choose not to exit the tent, they may call damage from outside.   This damage will equally effect all occupants.  During this encounter no one is permitted to enter your tent to remove you from it on an OOG level.  Additionally any “by the sound of my voice” effects will hit occupants of tents in the active hours outside 2 am to 8 am.

Tent camps are not OOG areas and are not immune to the IG consequences or decisions that must be made by the characters.   You might have someone in Bleed Out on your doorstep and may have a difficult decision between safety or morality.  We encourage you to engage in this moral dilemma.  

All CvC actions require a Marshal.  CvC against a tent happens similarly to NPC attacks.  The Marshal will announce the attack and the occupants have 30 seconds to get their things together before damage can be declared.  CvC theft is handled slightly differently, since usually the occupant will not be present.  If an occupant is not present after first verbally confirming there is no one inside, the Marshal and the CvC engaged player may enter the tent.  They may look for items (cards/phys reps) that have been left out, but may not toss the tent looking for things.  Also they must avoid things with a black cloth over them (traditional OOG marking) or clearly marked OOG.  CvC may not be engaged against tents in the 2 am to 8 am window.

The reward for tent camping will come in the form of Assistance Points.  You will receive 20 AP per event for tent camping during the spring/summer season (March- August) and 40 AP for tent camping per event in the fall/winter season (September- February).  

Medical Conditions

If you have a medical condition that prevents you from attending the event as a full combat player (commonly referred to as “non-combat”) we will need to be notified before you arrive. Notice can be sent to

If this is a persistent medical condition or a recent injury/surgery/etc we will need to have, on hand, a note from your medical provider that clears you to attend the event.

The letter from your medical provider must include two statements:

- First: That you have a medical condition that requires that requires non-participation in boffer combat

- Second: That despite this medical condition you are cleared to participate in all other aspects of the event without any serious risk to your health.

We will always strive to make our events as out-of-character safe as possible, but we acknowledge that unusual circumstances can happen that are outside our control.


Some people just do not get along. It could be a break up, a friendship falling out, or a difference in personality, but we want to create a space where both people can coexist. This is when Dystopia Rising: Washington will institute the No-Contact policy.

All people involved will have separate conversations with the Directors about no longer to interacting with the other person at events or in DR sanctioned spaces. This means no interaction as a character, as an npc, or as yourself. It does not mean you need to leave the scene if the other person shows up (unless otherwise specified). All rules will apply equally to both parties, so that everyone can get what they need - space.

Using other people to circumvent this rule will be considered a breach of this policy.

If either party breaks this agreement then it will be treated like harassment and will carry with it a corrective action.

If two people cannot share a space due to criminal reasons (harassment, assault, stalking, etc.) then we implore the participants to notify us so we can give you more options. The No-Contact policy is meant for participants who are not in fear of their safety or the safety of others.

This policy is only enforceable in Dystopia Rising events and spaces. We cannot regulate your personal interactions outside of our events and social media pages. If that is something you need then please strongly consider contacting your local authorities and speak to them about your options.